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Falcon-1Real life counterpart “Astronaut Farmer” Elon Musk has launched his own rocket from the Kwajalein Atoll in the South Pacific. The 21 m-long Falcon-1 rose to a height of 200 miles. This is the second time he has attempted a launch, but a previous fuel leak shut down the main engine after only 29 seconds. Musk, the co-founder of Paypal, is hoping to lower the cost of going into space by creating his new company Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX). Considering that it would cost us $20 million to get us out there now, we are hoping he will continue his efforts.

Read More | BBC

Gallery: SpaceX Relaunches Falcon-1


Xebra PK

Zap is welcoming a new addition into its ever increasing electric car family. The Xebra PK can be used as a flatbed, pickup, or dump truck, but because it only has a top speed of 40 mph, you certainly don’t want to test its mettle on the highway. Needing a charge after every 25 miles, up to 40 miles per day with opportunity charging, this certainly will not make the Xebra a candidate for a long haul, but at a price of only $10,000.00, it certainly will fit in your budget. Reserve yours in white or blue or sign up for a test drive at Zap, and they will even plant a few trees in your honor.


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Gallery: Zap Unveils Xebra Electric Pickup

Crash 'N' BurnNew research has indicated that those who play crashing car-racing video games may be more aggressive and take more risks when they drive in the real world. The study was made after German officials utilized a trial run to see if drivers licenses should be reinstated to those who lost them due to road rage.

“When they take your license in Germany, you must do a specific test to get it back. We took a special part of that test to measure risk-taking behavior,” said Peter Fischer, assistant professor of psychology at Munich’s Ludwig-Maximilians University.

Of the 83 men in the initial trial, which was composed of winning by violating traffic rules such as speeding and crashing into other cars, all took more risks to total the cyber vehicle or run into objects in their paths. The findings were presented at the recent annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago. While this may hold some validity in Germany, we find that it bears the same logic that children who play violent video games will go postal and create the next Columbine disaster.

Read More | Live Science

Gallery: Germans Who Crash Cars Dig Car Crash Video Games

Pino mini-carMarketing expert Ayano Sasao believes that women will select their next car based on its “cuteness” factor. The Pino mini-car is only 11 feet long and features a hook for a handbag, designer upholstery, and a “milk tea beige” exterior. During its launch, Nissan included such accessories as seat covers with hearts and pink bear-shaped cushions.  Because of its shrewd packaging of the Pino, which was actually created by Suzuki, Nissan had 5,500 orders during its the first month on the market in Japan at a price beginning at $8,600, more than double of its projected sales of 2,500. We like the idea of the mini-car, but our taste leans towards other “cute” vehicles, such as BMW’s Mini Cooper.

Read More | CNN

Gallery: Women in Japan Go For Cute Cars

DescriptionDon’t you hate it when you see a cop parked on the median, on a busy highway, in the middle of the night, in a small town, and he/she is pointing one of those speed-checking ray guns at you? Although obviously meant for kids and amateur baseball pitchers, the Hot Wheels Radar Gun lets you clock an object coming or going. With a point-and-click LCD screen, Mattel is asking the modest price of $29.99. The gun utilizes 4 AAA batteries (not included.) We’re going to get one for our next late night jaunt, and aim it at the first speeding cop we can find. We might even make a citizen’s arrest.

Read More | Mattel

Gallery: Hot Wheels Radar Gun Clocks Speed

Garmin GPS

At the CeBit 2007 this week in Germany, Garmin introduced their new SVGA GPS series of nüvi 200 (with German mapping,) the 250 (for Europe,) and 270 (for Europe and the U.S.) The portable navigational units feature 3.5-inch QVGA LCD touchscreens, WAAS-enabled receivers, SD card slots, internal antennas, anti-theft Garmin Locks, and rechargeable Lithium-ion batteries that last up to 5 hours. At a size of 3.8 x 2.8 x .8-inch and a weight of only 5.2 ounces, the launch is expected to arrive in May with a MSRP of ~$429.00. As Garmin so eloquently puts it, “It’s a whole nü way to travel.”


Read More | Garmin

Gallery: Garmin Unveils Nüvi Series GPS


A working prototype of the Aptera has finally been released. This diesel-electric hybrid, which weighs only 850 lbs., can get up to 230 mpg at 55 mph. Going from 0 to 60 in less than 10 seconds, the vehicle can go up to 150 total miles without a charge. Steve Fambro of Accelerated Composites, aka Aptera Motors, created the bullet-shaped two-seater in his garage, proving small town ingenuity still lives. The company has set a tentative price of $20,000 to its 3-wheeled creation and is already taking pre-orders.

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Gallery: Prototype Aptera Becomes Working Model

Bose Media System

Bose’s products may be costly, but they know stereo sound.  Their new Media System is compatible with CDs, DVD audio and video discs, Super Audio CDs, MP3s, and plays FM, AM, satellite radio, AAC, and most formats available on recordable CDs and DVDs. The car player, which automatically recognizes the type of disc inside, has a built-in hard drive that can store up to 30GB, Bluetooth capability, an iPod connector, and a USB 2.0 input. Already available this year on the Ferrari 612 Scaglietti and soon for the rest of us, it may not play the violin, but we suspect it will sound like it does.

Read More | Bose

Gallery: Bose Releases Multi-Format Media System

E!nergy Tent

Some of us have the idea that camping is a necessary evil to be avoided at all costs. Who wants to sleep on the ground, poop in the woods, and eat tasteless dehydrated beef stew when you can have fresh sheets daily and endless snack packs of Chex Mix and Ho Hos? The Eureka N!ergy Tent just may change our minds. The tent holds up to 10


campers, features 3 12-volt outlets built into its structure, and is powered by its own E! Power System.

Eureka suggests you bring along your DVD player, camcorder, cell phone recharger, MP3 player, air bed compressor, and alarm clock. When they tell us to include our hair dryer and vacuum, we think that’s just a smidgen too domestic for us. The 1310 model N!ergy Tent will set you back $249.40 plus another $50.00 for its E! power pack.

Read More | Eureka

Gallery: N!ergy Tent Works Under its Own Power

Sleep-detecting Car Seat

Scientists in Japan have created a car seat that can determine your drowsiness level by utilizing physiological data. Reading respiration rate and pulse, the problem is that at this point, it cannot warn you about it or wake you up if you do fall asleep. The good news is that it is still under development, so within the next five years it will have time to install a nagging voice to tell you to pull over or douse you with a cup of water to awaken you.


Read More | Pink Tentacle

Gallery: Car Seat Detects Sleepiness
